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5 Face Masks to try this summer

5 Face Masks to try this summer 5 Face Masks to try this summer 5 Face Masks to try this summer 5 Face Masks to try this summer This post I am talking about another great product that you could use for your face besides my earlier post with Evian. I got a chance to try out When masks and I have to say it is pretty good. Each one of them made for different purposes so there is definitely something for everyone. It ranges from visible signs of aging, skin firmness, tone, texture to radiance. Also, they pretty much come ready. You don't really need to mix or put anything together. Just spare yourself for 30 min before you head out somewhere or before you wake up for work. First make sure to cleanse and dry your face. Then open the pouch and remove the plastic film. Adjust the mask on your face to make sure to cover all your face and finally remove the paper. After 30 min, take off the mask and you good to go. No need to wash your face again. Super simple right?! Check them out below and let me know what you think!